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U-Boat Replica Watches

U-Boat Replica Watches's partnership with marine biologist Laurent Ballesta has led to the U-Boat Replica Watches-X Fathoms being worn by Ballesta on his deep ocean research dives.

Why did U-Boat Replica Watches decide to participate in ocean-related initiatives, such as the World Ocean Summit.

With ourFifty Fathomsand Bathyscaphewatches, we have always wanted to give people the freedom they need to dive technically. We also want to educate people and let them learn as much as they can about the wonders that the ocean has to offer. It is true that a dive computer is what we need today, and not a divewatch. We invest a lot of money at U-Boat Replica Watches in educating people about the ocean. We want to educate people about ocean projects, and we also want them to grow to appreciate, respect, and love these projects. We earn money from selling watches and use that money to promote the watches for sale. A part of the money is invested in a long-term strategy. We may not see immediate results, but we are slowly and steadily educating people.

We were the original sponsor of National Geographic Pristine seas expeditions. This partnership was a great success, as it doubled the ocean surface protected area (replica watches) in the five years we supported them.

We are currently supporting another important initiative for ocean preservation: The Gombessa Project, with Laurent Ballesta. We go on their expeditions and sponsor them! We have a three-pronged strategy to reach our goals: first is the technical side of research, which involves finding out how to dive deeper and longer; secondly, the scientific aspect, in which we collect information about ocean biology, different life forms, and how the health and wellbeing of the ocean impacts the human race. Finally, we take an artistic approach and work with photographers to create beautiful images that will hopefully inspire people to experience the same feelings we do when we touch the ocean and lead them towards supporting the cause of ocean conservation.

It's very easy to be cynical when it comes to the state of the environment.U-Boat Replica Watches I think we tend to believe that nothing we do can help. I like the proactive approach U-Boat Replica Watches takes to make a difference. What are some future developments that you could share with us?

We believe in World Ocean Summit. The World Ocean Summit began six years ago, in Singapore. We have supported other projects that we weren't sure about, in terms of effectiveness and results. But our gut feeling was usually good and we were almost always certain that we would be happy with the result.

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